Happy New Year to all. We are currently restocking our site. We are making rock and tablet in the shop and this is now available online. However we are awaiting our main traditional flavoured rock supplier to finish making their handmade sweets too and to catch up after the holidays, as soon as we can we will be adding them to the website.

Recycling Principles

Our loose sweet packaging;

The Star Rock Shop is full of traditional products, including our own.  These products by nature of ingredients, texture and finish can lead them being sticky, therefore it is essential we use plastic.

Our plastic bags are resealable and reuseable.  We promote the reusing of the bags by offering a discount on refilling bags with any Star Rock Products.

We  use paper bags as much as possible for the sweets that will not be affected.  It is sometimes nexessary for us to bag large quantities in plastic for safe transport or upon request.

Our gift packaging;

For our Chocolates we use card boxes.  A few of our gift boxes have a plastic window that can be removed and then the remaining cardboard can be recycled.

We made the switch to "pizza" types boxes last year for the bulk of packaging so that they are totally recyclable after any sealing tape has been removed.

Our Leaflets, postcards and Christmas Cards;

All are printed on recycled, recyclable card and paper.

Deliveries we receive;

All packaging we receive where possible (non-damaged, complete) is recycled to be used in the orders we send out.  Therefore we may send our orders wrapped in paper, bubblewrap or airbags.

Our shop waste;

We recycle as much plastic, paper and cardboard as possible.

Our large sweetie jars are reused, and when we have an excess of tubs and jars we offer them for free to local people, groups, schools and organisations.